31 October, 2013

More Pumpkin Fun and a November Discount

We are finishing up our unit on pumpkins this week.  We made life cycle necklaces:

The green strong represents the vine.  We have the seed, yellow flower, green pumpkin and then the green pumpkin.  They loved making these little necklaces.

We also learned the poem 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate and made our own gates and pumpkins:

Super cute activity and they loved singing the poem over and over again! :)

Happy Halloween!


 In the spirit of Halloween and Thanksgiving being right around the corner I'm going to discount my October and November products 10% tonight and Friday November 1st :) Here are the November ones:

Don't Worry Be Thankful {Thanksgiving} Math & Literacy Stations

Write the Room - Thanksgiving

November - Writing Station

November - Writing Words

Write the Room - Math - November

27 October, 2013

Pumpkin Seeds and Halloween Stations

In science this past week we have been learning about pumpkins.  I brought in a pumpkin and we measured with string to see how wide the pumpkin was.

We made an anchor chart with all of our strings.

We also estimated how many seeds we thought were inside our pumpkin.

Then we cut it open and counted the seeds.  The students had to group the seeds into groups of 10.  We ended up having 554 seeds!

This upcoming week we are going to be doing an adorable project on the life cycle of a pumpkin that I'll be sure to post pics of.

As far as stations go we are doing a lot of Halloween themed activities this week.  Here are a few:

Spooky Sounds - Ending sounds

Leafy Letters - sorting upper and lowercase letters

Labeling the Halloween pictures

 Rhyming Bananas -  I have a few friends that need some more work on rhyming so I've added this to our Puzzle Literacy Station

Ordering Candy Corns

 Sorts and Patterns

 Non Standard Measurement

These Halloween stations and more are all part of this product:

Christina Mauro

20 October, 2013

Stations - We are Getting There!

I've been working on getting the students really working hard during literacy and math stations. We have been getting away from "just playing" and making the move to "learning." Now don't get me wrong - they are still playing but it's much more educational now.

So here are a few stations they worked on this past week:

Say it, Clap it, Sort it - Halloween Syllables literacy station - SO FUN!  There are Halloween headers and a bunch of pictures to sort.  There is a response paper to do when they finish but they didn't get to that this week.  They were having so much fun just "playing!"

Writing Station: They are labeling the picture.  This is still "Back to School" but next time there's a more timely paper.  The students are using the September Words to look for the pictures because they can't all read the words that are at the top of the worksheet.

Pocket Chart - We are working on the letters D and H this week so the students are working on sorting the cards into the tree chart.

Sorting and Patterns - Math Station

Library Station - I got these creepy witch fingers at Michaels and the students are loving pointing to the words.

Counting Station - Students are putting the apple cards in order and then writing the numbers in the apples.

My brand new Roll, Say, Keep game for MATH - they LOVE this game!

 Number Sense - Christopher Columbus!

The stations are so random with their themes right now because we have been "in training" for so long!  I really want them to know these stations before I change them out.

One last thing - FACEBOOK FRENZY is going on NOW! Hop over to my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ATaleofTwoKTeachers to start collecting your freebies!

Due to reaching 600 followers on TpT and over 1000 likes on my Facebook page everything in my store is 10% off today!

Christina Mauro