13 September, 2014

Week 2 Success!

We made it through our first FULL week of school AND Back to School Night and man am I exhausted!

Here are some things that happened this week in my room:

STRATEGIES LAB - At my school once a month we get to take our kids over to the strategies lab.  Basically this is game time for 45 minutes. BUT the games and activities that they do are all about critical thinking and higher level thinking.  I believe that most games are made by Think Fun Jr.  Here are some pictures of my kids in action:

We worked on the letters M and S this week.  We do a variety of activities over the week and on Friday we do our M/S flip book.  We are still in "training mode" where I model EVERYTHING for them so that in the coming weeks they can do these activities independent.

We put our first page in our interactive Social Studies notebook. The students reviewed the rules and acts of kindness in this activity.

We made our self portraits in science using mirrors...this were ADORABLE!!!

Along with the two letters (m and s) for the week we also work on a word a week.  We learned all about the word "I" and completed our first little book "My I Book"  They were so excited to "read" books their second week of kindergarten. :)

We started Math Stations...well kinda.  We introduced our math station chart! Which is HUGE! Most of the stations are just manipulatives for now.  Slowly over the next couple of weeks we will be adding more and more to these stations.


Wow I'm exhausted just re-living this through pictures. How was your week?!?

Christina Mauro

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  1. شركة المثالية للتنظيف الشركة الرائدة لجميع خدمات التنظيف بالمنطقة الشرقية - خبراء النظافة الشاملة - خبرة 23 عاما تستطيعون من خلال المثالية للتنظيف الحصول علي افضل خدمات التنظيف ومكافحة الحشرات للمنازل والشقق والفلل والمجالس والمفروشات بجميع مدن ومحافظات المنطقة الشرقية بالمملكة العربية السعودية فتقدم شركة المثالية للنظافة كل ما ليديها من امكانيات وخبرات لخدمة عملائها فهي حقا افضل شركة تنظيف بالمملكة وتوفر لعملاها الخدمات بجميع المحافظات فتوفر

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    تواصلوا معنا لمعرفة اسعار المثالية للتنظيف بالمنطقة الشرقية وخدماتها المتميزة


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