22 June, 2013

Classroom Decor and a FREEBIE

Last summer I went to a workshop to see Debbie Diller - LOVE HER!  A lot of what she talked about was classroom design and decor.  I previously had decorated my classroom with tons of colors and brightness - very kindergartenish.  But after going I learned that all those colors can be too much for their little brains to take in.  She had said that the best design was a simple one.  Choose one or two colors that compliment each other.  She also talked about the psychology behind certain colors.  Did you know that red causes excitement?  Makes sense - but I never thought about it with regards to a classroom.  The most calming colors are blue and green.

Well them came my major dilemma - I have colored tables in my classroom!  I can't very well do a blue and green theme with yellow and red tables.  So I asked her for a suggestion and her answer was black and white!  So this past year I had black bulletin boards and got some black/white borders at the teacher store.

Now I'm taking in up a notch...I've been working on all things black and white.  Below are some things that I've made for this upcoming year.  There's a FREEBIE at the bottom.

Here are some word wall cards I made.  Included are all the dolch words for pre-primer, primer and first grade.

I use these cards on library pockets in my classroom for helpers.  I have all the students' names on popsicle sticks and just add them in the pockets.

New schedule cards for my room next year.  I'm just going to add a magnet on the back and put it on the chalkboard.

And the FREEBIE . . . I'm trying to get super organized so I made these labels for my storage bins.  Some of them are for students (manipulatives) and others are for me (teacher supplies.) Enjoy!!!

Do you have a color/design theme for your classroom?  If so leave a comment below and let us know.  I'll be sure to come back and add pictures of all these black/white themed goodies once they are up in my room!

Christina Mauro :)

1 comment:

  1. Last year I decided to use black bulletin board paper with a turquoise/lime green polka dot border. I have baskets from the dollar tree in these colors (the ones with the circle cutouts) and paper lanterns, too! I love it! And I agree that a smooth, calming color theme makes a difference in the classroom. Thank you so much for the freebie!!!

    Hokie Teach
