12 June, 2013

Room mom thank you kindergarten fun!

Only a few more days until school is finished for the year! Today we had our end of the year party. Our room mom has worked hard all year long planning our parties, getting parent volunteers and donations for all of our events. We wanted to show our appreciation so we got her a large beach bag and filled it with summer goodies to use over the break. She has a pool so it was even more fun to fill the bag because we were able to get her poolside games etc.

I also wanted the students to contribute, so we made a card together. Each student made their face out of construction paper and then we glued the faces to the outside of a piece of poster board (cut in half). I pre-made circles for their faces in word using the shapes feature, then copied the circles onto different skin colored construction paper for them to cut out. They then used scraps to make their hair and any accessories (hats, sunglasses, headbands). I thought this was a nice idea because it will help her remember all the students by having their hand made faces on her card. We made thank you cards pretty frequently through out the year because I like to stress the importance of this and that those who help us should be appreciated. They really enjoy doing this and it helps in adding some kindergarten fun into saying thank you to others!

Stephanie :)

1 comment:

  1. Going through old e-mails and found your new blog home! I'm a new follower. Go Hokies : )

    Hokie Teach
