17 July, 2013

Classroom supplies and books!

Hello all :)I have to say that I am a sucker for school supplies at any store during any time of the year. I have been frequenting stores like the dollar store, Target, and Michaels since school has let out and let me tell you...my strength to resist is dwindling. I keep telling myself I won't buy anything until I set up for next year and see what is truly needed, and after I go through my own supplies and see what I can donate, give away, or keep.

However, this strength has not held so well when I have seen some children's books I want to add to my classroom library. Barnes and Noble has had some specials on different books in the stores and I couldn't resist one buy in particular. 

The series by Laura Numeroff including If You Give a Pig A Pancake and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie are two that I couldn't pass up....2 for $10.00! I figured $5.00 per book was reason enough to purchase them :) I have also seen lots of activities themed to these books so it was a good buy in my opinion!

I also saw two titles that our librarian read to us this year that I would LOVE to get, but might have to look those up on Amazon, titled I Want my Hat Back and This is Not my Hat (by Jon Klassen). These two books have awesome illustrations and let the children infer in the end what they think happened. My students last year loved deciding individually what they thought happened in the end!

I am also willing to purchase books over other supplies because I love read alouds or shared reading, however I am still struggling with choosing popular titles, placing them into the year at appropriate times and using them to teach skills that are centered around those times as well. I want to eventually have a shared reading calendar for the whole year and know what book series, or pairs of books to read each week of the year centered around content or language arts goals.

Does anyone else struggle with this? Or does any one have a plan or list of books that go with different learning goals or time periods throughout the year?

Stephanie :) 

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