07 July, 2013

Teaching Letters and Sounds, Facebook Freebie & Another Giveaway

It's going to be a long post - but I promise it's worth it....

I've been working for awhile on a new line of products to use this year with my Kindergarteners. We are changing the way that we introduce letters after taking a Word Study class last year.  We used to do "letter of the week."  We had many discussions about it this past year and finally decided to try a new approach.

We are going to be introducing 2 letters a week; except vowels which will get a week on their own.  Then the question became what order to use to introduce the letters.  In our word study class we received a copy of Kathy Ganske's book Word Sorts and More.

Product Details

This book has a TON of sorts that are just perfect for my kids.  The order that she used is based on the letters that kids use most frequently.  So why reinvent the wheel - we decided to follow her order.  But I want to do more than just the sorts provided in the book so I created a packet for each set of letters.

The first letters that she suggests you introduce are M and S.  So here is what I made:

I made a flip book for the students to sort their letters in

I used the same pictures (in color and larger) for the students to use in a pocket chart station or in small group.

Handwriting sheets for the students to do in a writing station.

And two papers that I plan to use for an assessment.  One of the papers they draw pictures for each letter.

And the other they would use the color code to color the pictures.

Since it's summertime and I haven't used these yet I MIGHT be adding other pages once I see them in action. :)

I bundled all the consonants together in a money savings bundle at my TpT store:

I'm still working on the vowels and then I'll be doing some digraphs and blends when I can find the time! :)

I also JUST figured out how to add a Freebie for Fans on my facebook page! :)  It was a PAIN!!!  But if you jump over to my page here and "like" me you'll find a GREAT resource for Back To School!!! :)

Finally I'm helping Learning 4 Keeps celebrate 500 Followers and 1 Year Bloggiversary!!!

Learning 4 Keeps

Click the image above to go over to her blog and enter to win some fantastic products!!!

Christina Mauro :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christina! I just posted over at your other blog but I see that you post on this one much more! I was so excited to find you because I am also a Kindergarten teacher in Northern Virginia but I teach for LCPS. I know we will have a lot in common as far as what we are teaching. I can't wait to see what else you post!

    The Teacher and the Frog
