03 September, 2013

First Day - SUCCESS!

I greeted my million 27 students this morning and we honestly had a fabulous day!  No really it was a great day. Here is a quick picture of what we had done for Open House that I forgot to show:

We made one big display for two of the Kindergarten classes and had our kernels popping out towards our doors.  Right now the kernels have the student's names, but they will have their picture added for Back to School Night next week. OMG next week - so much to do!

We had a full day of art, and PE today so it was a bit crazy.  We managed to watch Officer Buckle and Gloria on the SMARTBoard and the kids just loved this bit of technology.

I'm trying Whole Brain Teaching which so far I ABSOLUTELY LOVE! I didn't have to repeat be quiet, stop talking, etc all day long.  We went over the "Class, Yes" and "Teach, Ok."  The kids responded so well.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  I can say truthfully that as far as first day went - I am physically tired (my feet and back are killing me) but not emotionally for the first time, well EVER.  I'm not sure if it's the Whole Brain Teaching or what.  I don't really care what the reason because it's awesome. :)

The only "real activity" we did today was reading The Kissing Hand and making our little craft for the parents.  We did this whole group and used glue bottles!  It actually wasn't that bad. 

Tomorrow we start our Brown Bear booklets - cutting, gluing, and LOTS of following directions - Oh My!  Stay tuned for some GREAT pictures!

As I said I'm doing Whole Brain but our Kindergarten team is using clip charts for behavior this year.  So at the end of the day we colored in our daily folders and we sent them on their way.  Only had one kid get on the wrong bus - and it was the bus drivers fault. :)

Hope everyone had a great Tuesday!

Christina Mauro


  1. Do you have a copy of your calendar you could post or send me? Please. Your first day looked much like mine did too!

    Zebra boot@yahoo.com

    1. I added it onto yesterday's post as a FREEBIE! :)

  2. Did you watch Officer Buckle and Gloria from a DVD or a website? I too am using WBT for the first time this year and absolutely love it! The kiddos are really getting the hang of it...we are starting week 3.


    1. My school has a subscription to Learn360.com and Officer and Buckle is one of the movies available. Isn't WBT the best? I can't even imagine my class without it and it's only been 3 days LOL :)
      - Christina
