08 November, 2013

Facebook Frenzy Friday

The November Facebook Frenzy was officially begun!  I've gotten together with my Facebook friends and we have some wonderful Thanksgiving themed freebies for you to download.

My freebie is this wonderful Turkey Measurement activity:


Click the picture above to go to my Facebook page.  Once there you click on the Facebook Frenzy tab:

Once you click on that make sure you have "liked" my page and you can download the Turkey Measurement.  But don't stop there.... click on the stack of hay and you are on your way to collect some wonderful goodies...FOR FREE!!! :)

My Turkey Measurement activity comes out of my Thanksgiving Math & Literacy Stations


Here are a few activities that are included in this product:


Happy Friday!

Christina :)

1 comment:

  1. أفضل أنواع خزانات المياه في مصر خزانات فيبر جلاس هذه الخزانات مصنوعة من وحدات متشابهة ، ويتم تزويد هذه الوحدات بشفاه مناسبة ، حيث يتم تجميع هذه الوحدات من خلال الشفاه ، ويتم صنع هذه الشفاه بطريقة مناسبة
