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New Blog Design and Sping Cleaning

I am beyond excited about my new blog design!  :)  I have to give a HUGE thank you to Michelle (The 3AM Teacher) She is AH-mazing! 

I basically had NO direction for what I wanted :( and what she came up with is beyond what I could have imagined!!! :)

I'm going to share this on facebook but please join me in leaving her lots of love for this wonderful blog!!! :)

You can get to her facebook by clicking here.

And in other news it's time to clean out those wishlists and get some things on sale!!! :)

I've gotten together with a WHOLE BUNCH of other sellers and we are having a sale this weekend.  Check out the image below to see who's participating!

Don't forget to leave feedback to get those credits! :)

Here are a few products that I'll be using this month that you might be interested in:

Let me know what you think of the new blog design and go clean out those wishlists! :)

Christina Mauro

George Washington and Word Work Fun

How cute are these hats! And SO simple to make!  The kids loved being Mr. Washington:

I also introduced my kiddos to one of my new products that they and I LOVED!!!

We started off with the alphabet sheets so I can train them on what to do.

So here's how it works...They have to trace the letters and then decide if they letters given are correct for the picture.  If it's right they color the happy face and then re write the letters.  But if it's wrong they color the sad face and then write the correct letters. They were rock stars and did fantastic!

I can't wait to do some of the other papers with them! :)

Christina Mauro

100th Day of School

With all the snow and missed days I didn't think we'd ever make it to the 100th day...but we finally did and what a day it was!

My sweet friend Michelle made these adorable shirts with puffy paint!

We started the day with writing our numbers to 100!

 While the students were writing we watched a bunch of counting videos on YouTube

Then we made Zero the Hero!!!

 And made out 100 gumballs from Pinterest - somehow I forgot to take a pic of the final project so I'll have to do that and add it :)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful 100th Day!

Christina Mauro

Valentine's Day Party Fun

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day party put together by my room mom.

We do rotations for our parties and split the kids into 5 groups and have them rotate through different activities. 

This year we did the following activities:

For our February family project we had the kids decorate a box to collect their valentines - they turned out so stinking cute!

We made these adorable minions for our valentines for the kids! - Thanks Pinterest :)

And lastly the gifts for the parents - again from Pinterest:
