Everyday this past week I stayed after school to work for at least an hour a day to organize and get things ready for next year.
The biggest areas that I have worked on so far are my classroom library and writing station.
So let's start with my classroom library. I am SO excited about it! I have so much space and the way I have organized things I am very happy with so far.
Please don't mind the books I still have to sort (ugg)

My plan is to make labels to put on ALL the millions of books that I have so the students will know where the books belong. The labels I made for the baskets took forever so I'm sure the labels are going to be oh such much fun to make...but worth it for organization!!!
If you would like a set of these labels you can get them here. They are 50% off for the next 24 hours!!! :)
The other station I've been so excited about organizing in my writing station. Last year I just had two desks together next to the bathroom. GROSS! It was the only space I had. :( Well not this year...I've got a huge table and a bulletin board JUST for writing! How exciting!
I have my I can posters from my August/September Writing Station.

I made this adorable bunting banner to go above the board!
I have all my School Writing Words in this super cute pocket chart!

Can you tell I'm getting excited about my new room?!?
Well I can't go in and work next week because I'll be at the beach! YAY! Leaving bright and early tomorrow morning. Hopefully it'll be nice and relaxing. Well as relaxing as it can be with a 3 year old and a 1 and a half year old! :)
Christina Mauro
Do you have any I Can posters/statements for literacy stations in a zebra theme/print ?